Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


Home, Overview, The Passing Time



Karl Frhr. von Bardolff, Vienna ->
Retired general

Victor Benesch, Klatovy ->
Director of Forests and Crown Lands; Retired in 1933.

Stephan Count Bethlen von Bethlen , ->
Royal Hungarian Minister, retired in 193

Parvu Boerescu, Bucharest ->
Voluntarily retired from the Rumanian military service in 1919.

Antoine, Jean Boguslawwski, Warsaw ->
Man of letters and retired commander.

Josef Bohuslav, Prague ->
President of Senate of the Supreme Administration Courtat Prague, now retired.

Antoni Dobrowaolski, Belgrade ->
Director of the Polish Central Meteorological Institute. In 1930, on account of bad health, he retired.

Ilona (Madame Derenburg) Eibenschütz, London ->
Pianist, retired

John Count Forgach, Budapest
Member of Hungarian Upper House; Austro Hungarian Ambassador, retired.

Wladyslaw Jozef Gorczynski, Nice ->
Director Meteorological Service of Poland, retired since 1928

Anna (penname: Haava) Haavakivi, Tartu ->
Estonian writer, now retired.

Karl Heinold, Brno ->
Retired Minister and member of the former Austrian Upper House for life time. Retired, now residing in Brno.

Géza Herczeg, Budapest ->
Royal Hungarian Minister, Councillor retired.

Victor Kafka, Prague ->
Medical Doctor; Extraordinary Professor retired; Physician in Chief retired

Christo Kalfoff, Sofia ->
Retired Colonel.

Ludwig von Keblovsky, Budapest ->
Royal Hungarian Ministry Councillor; retired along with Count Tisza.

Theodore König, Budapest ->
Secretary of State, retired

Ljubomir Kosier, Zagreb ->
Consul General, retired

August, Ritter von Kral, Vienna ->
Envoy extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Austria in Ankara; Retired since June 1932.

Edler von Krassien Maxime Krassny, Vienna ->
Bank President, retired

Franz Langenberg, Prague ->
Director of the Czech Secondary School of the Association "Komensky" in Vienna; and Inspector of Schools (retired)

Wincenty Lutoslawski, Cracow ->
Professor of Philosophy, University of Wilno, retired

Ján Máchal, Prague ->
Professor, Charles University Prague, retired

Constantin Moschopoulos, Mopoulo ->
Retired General; Chief of the Military Commission of Retired Generals.

Victor Panaitescu, Bucharest ->
Retired from the army, 1929.

Leonidas Paraskevopoulos, Athens ->
General; Commander-in-Chief, retired

Ferdinand Prazsky-Slavkovsky, ? ->
Commander, retired

Robert Baron Procházka, Prague ->
State Councillor, Colonel retired

Jan Raszka, Cracow ->
Sculptor; Professor; Director of Artistic Trade School in Cracow, retired. He retired in 1931 from official service to devote himself completely to the artistic work.

Artur Sliwinski, Warsaw ->
In 1922 Marshal Pilsudski entrusted him to form a cabinet. As this cabinet did not obtain the majority of the Parliament he retired from political life.

Maciej Feliks Cyprian von Szukiewicz, Cracow ->
A retired life devoted solely to art and science

Georg B. Szveteney de Nagy-Ohay, Budapest ->
retired from military service and occupies himself with astrological and spiritualist studies as a painter and writer.

Karl Renner, Vienna ->
Doctor of Law; General State Librarian, retired; Austrian Chancellor, retired

Bedrich (Friedrich) Riha, Prague ->
Senate President of the Superior Administration Court, retired

Anton Rintelen, Graz ->
Doctor of Law; Envoy extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, retired

Vladislav Savic, Belgrade ->
Retired diplomat

Mieczyslas de Rutkowski, London ->
retired to Anatolia

Alois Prince Schönburg-Hartenstein, Vienna ->
Retired with the rank of Colonel-General.

Hans Schürff, Vienna ->
Doctor of Law; Austrian Minister, retired

Bozidar Terzic, Belgrade ->
Army General; Minister, retired

Dragolioub Yerenitch, Belgrade ->
Chancellor of the Royal Yugoslavian Orders; General, retired

Carl Zipernowsky, Vienna ->
Professor, retired

Niko Zupanic, Ljubljana ->
Director of Ethnographical Museum; Minister, retired