Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

Home, Overview, The Passing Time, Years


Miroslav Arciszewski, (age 37) ->
became Minister in Riga.

Muharem Bajraktari, (age 33) ->
commanded the military police force in Albania.

Nush Bushati, (age 33) ->
became an actor and stage-manager at the Theatre in Innsbruck.

Mary Duras, (age 31) ->
sculpted, "Girl at the Window"

Raouf Fico, (age 48) ->
became Minister for Foreign Affairs and Interior in Tirana.

Mieczlaw Filipkiewicz, (age 38) ->
designed the Silesian House in the Polish National Exhibition in Poznan.

Tytus Filipowicz, (age 56) ->
was Minister of Poland to Washington D.C.

Mehdi Frasheri, (age 57) ->
was appointed President of the Council of State.

Walery Goetel, (age 40) ->
traversed Africa, from Capetown over the great lakes to Egypt.

Thaddée Jackowski, (age 40) ->
was a Polish Minister in Brussels and Luxemburg.

Djurdje Jelenic, (age 47) ->
became a Director of the Yugoslavian State Archives.

Mark Kakarriqi, (age 45) ->
established the Albanian National Brewery Limited in London with the capital of 400.000 English pounds.

Milan Karanovic, (age 47) ->
became Custos-Adjoint to the County Museum.

Leon Kozlowski, (age 37) ->
was elected deputy and took an active part in the parliamentary work.

Kamil Krofta, (age 68) ->
founded at Prague the "Society for the Study of Minority Problems" in Prague.

Jaroslav Kubista, (age 43) ->
became a financial reporter.

Ants Lauter, (age ?) ->
came as a guest to Finland.

Joseph Lipski, (age 35) ->
participated in the Conference of The Hague.

Nicolas Manos, (age 54) ->
was elected mayor.

Herbert von Minkewicz, (age 33) ->
worked in the picture department of various newspapers.

Petar Pallavicini, (age 41) ->
had an exhibition in Paris of "Arts Decoratifs" and in Barcelona.

Victor Panaitescu, (age ?) ->
retired from the army.

Alexandre Papanastarin, (age 53) ->
attended the International congresses of Peace and was proposed as President to the organization of the Balkan-Greek Conference.

S. Josip Slavenski, (age 33) ->
has his first performance of his composition, "Balkanophonia" in Berlin.

Memhmet Ali Tefvik, (age 40) ->
took charge of Turkish Legation in Rumania.

Steffi Ventura, (age ?) ->
had an exhibition in Paris at the Grand Salon.

Petar Zivkovic, (age 50) ->
became Minister President of Yugoslavia.