Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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Alexander Andrássy de Csik-Szentkiraly and Krasznahorka, Count, Actual Privy Council Great Landed Proprietor ->
is a hereditary member of the Royal Hungarian Upper House of Parliament.

Marthe (Her Serene Highness) Princess Bibesco, Writer ->
Her first book was crowned by the French when she was 18 years old and she ran a Red Cross Hospital during the War. She attended to the restoration of her historical palace, the palace of Mogosoia in Rumania. She loves flying, and attends every congress of the International Aeronautical Federation of which Prince Bibesco, her husband, is the President. She is a personal friend of Air-Marshal Balbo, and she went to Tripolis on a Seaplane as his guest.

Georg von Borhy, Imperial and Royal Lord High Steward; Knight Order of Maltese; Landed Proprietor ->
is the owner of a brown coal mine, 80 km from Budapest.

Djurdje Jelenic, Director of the Yugoslavian State Archives ->
was a journalist (1906-1909); and later became private secretary to His Royal Highness, the Crownprince Alexander from 1909 to 1917.

Christo Kalfoff, Colonel retired; Politician, ->
has been a Military instructor of the hereditary prince, (1914-1918); aide-de-camp of the King Boris III., (1918-1921); general aide-de-camp of King Boris III., (1921-23).

Ladislav Klicman, Government Officer, director of State Archives ->
is a legal expert relative to the matter of falsified diplomas of nobility.

André Lubomirski, Prince; Proprietor for the hereditary estate of Przeworsk; hereditary curator of the National Institute Ossolinski ->
Ex- deputy of the Galician diet, he is now deputy of the diet of Warsaw. is the founder of the sugar industry of the former Galicia.

John Count Mikes, Right Reverend, Bishop ->
was imprisoned by the Communistic Government in Hungary in 1919. King Charles IV. was his guest for 10 days when he suddenly arrived in Hungary for his restoration, in 1921.

André Protitch, Man of Letters ->
In 1918 he has been received by the German Crownprince, Hindenburg and Ludendorf on the Western fronts.

Ahmed Zogu, The King of the Albanians ->
His majesty Zogu I. in his early years has taken active part in the public life of Albania. In 1912, with the grade of colonel, he organized for battle his forces against Serbia and Montenegro; and in Leshia he fought his very first battle. But when the armies of the Balkan states occupied various sections of Albania, Zogu I. was obliged to withdraw his forces and return to Mati, where he organized the defense of that region and continued to fight with Serbia. Before the end of the Balkan War, Zogu I. was called to Vlora by the national patriot Ismail Kemal and there took part in the proclamation of the Albanian independence as the representative of Mati. Zogu I. in 1914 also took part in the government of Prince Wied, as commander of the national forces against the rebels. At the time when the Central Powers were coming to Albania, Zogu I. collected his personal followers and on the 27th of January entered Durusi, hoisted there the national flag and continued his procedure to Kavaja, Lushnja, Fieri and Berati. He then took the initiative to call a constituent assembly in Elbasan. This initiative was checked by the Austro-Hungarian army and Zogu I. was exiled to Vienna, where he remained until the end of the Great War. In 1920, Zogu I. took again the initiative to call a constituent assembly in Lushnja, in order to save the country from being partitioned. This congress elected him as Minister of Interior, in which post he remained for a long time and he consolidated the state in suppressing various insurrections. In 1923 Zogu I. was charged by the High Council to form a new cabinet and in the time of his government the elections for a constituent assembly took place. After a revolution and after the success of Zogu I. against the revolutionary forces, the constituent assembly elected him President of the Republic on the 31st of January 1925. Zogu I. brought absolute peace to the country and established a firm regime which was recognized by all the civilized world. On the 1st of September 1928, a new constituent assembly proclaimed him King of Albania with the title Zogu I. In his capacity as the President of the Republic and later as the King of the Albanians he has been able to introduce many important reforms in the country. In accepting the occidental legislations he has firmly consolidated the State which day by day makes firm steps towards modern civilization.

Myzejen Zogu, Royal Princess; President and Patron of Sport
The princess is the patron of Sports in Albania and has given all her energy to the development of sports which in a very short time has been spread all over the country.

Ruhijé Zogu, Royal Princess; President of the Fine Arts Society
Her Highness the Royal Princess is the Patron of Fine Arts in Albania. Due to her activity, the art of music, sculpture and painting has developed greatly in Albania.

Senjié Zogu, Royal Princess; President of the Albanian Red Cross ->
She is president of the "Albanian Women's Club", which has for its objective the development and the progress of the Albanian Women in all branches of national activity.