Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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Félix Avedik, Lawyer; Budapest ->
took a successful part in organizing the Counter Revolution against the Bolsheviks in 1919 and is a member of the Committee for Counter Revolution.

Stephan Count Bethlen von Bethlen, Royal Hungarian Minister, retired; Actual Privy Councillor; Budapest ->
organized from Vienna - where he escaped from the pursuit of the Communistic Government - as Delegate of the Szeged Government the Counterrevolution. He united the conservative elements of Hungary with the catholic party and was thus the founder of the consolidation of Hungary. When Nikolaus von Horthy was elected Regent of Hungary, he nominated Count Bethlen as Prime Minister.

Julius Gömbös de Jákfa, General, politician; Budapest ->
became President of the Hungarian National Defense Association in 1919. During the Communist dictatorship he organized the counter-revolution from Vienna and Szeged. As a deputy since 1920, he played a leading part in the frustration of Charles IV. attempts to return to the throne. He was a leader of the Race-Defence Party (1923-1928).

Albert Niels Kaas, Professor; Budapest ->
In 1912 he was elected Member of Parliament. During the Bolshevism in Hungary he was one of the leaders of the counter-revolution.

Albert Kann, Engineer, Chemist; Vienna ->
advocated the rights of the real estate owners against marxistic tendencies (1919-1928).

Ludwig von Keblovsky, Doctor of Law; Royal Hungarian Ministry Councillor; Budapest ->
was the Secretary to Count Stephan Tisza and is an intimate collaborateur of this famous statesman. He retired with Count Tisza and he kept during the time of Communism his private correspondence and manuscripts under personal danger and turned them over to the Royal Hungarian Academy of Science.

Xheladin Nushi, Director of Technical School; Tirana ->
has been injured fighting against the revolutionaries of Durazzo in 1914.

Anton Rintelen, Doctor of Law; Envoy extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, retired; Professor; Kroisbach near Graz ->
was thrown out of a window by socialistic workmen at a meeting in St. Lorenzen in Styria on May 8,1921. He suppressed the Pfriemer Putsch of the "Heimwehr" in Styria without any violence and became again Minister for Public Instructions in the Dollfuss Cabinet in May 1932.

Sulä Sheha, Mayor; Kryctoir i Bahskies Diber. ->
took part in the revolution on June 1924 with the legal forces and left the country. In December of the same year he returned as a major and commander of a corps of volunteer fighters against the revolutionary government for the restitution of the legal government.

Marian Zdziechowski, Professor; Wilno ->
Since 1918 he is a polemical writer against the Russian bolshevism; demonstrating the danger of the communistic propaganda and of the Red Press for the civilization.