Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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Childhood and Youth

Julius Wolfsohn, Vienna ->
gave concerts as a child.

Ilona (Madame Derenburg) Eibenschütz, London ->
She was a Pupil of Madame Clara Schumann; her first public appearance was in Vienna at the age of six years.

Bronislaw Huberman, Vienna ->
When he was 6 years old (1888/89) he had lessons with Michalowicz and Rosen, then 3 months with Isidor Lotto.

Anna (penname: Haava) Haavakivi, Teizit Tartu Kodavere-Pala, Haavakivi talus ->
At 6 years she was a geese shepherdess.

Lila Lalaouni, Athens ->
Gave her first concert at the age of seven years.

Juro Tkalcic, Belgrade ->
He began to study violoncello with 9 years but had to stop studies on account of the death of his teacher, Professor Oertlin.

Francisca Bloch-Mahler, Deutschbrod ->
Wrote her first poetry at the age of 10 years.

Tamara Jankowa, Sofia ->
At the age of 10 years, when she was a pupil of the Music Academy, she played on the piano at public recitals.

Bronislaw Huberman, Vienna ->
After the age of 11 years he took no more real lessons, but profited by music.

Rezsö Kemény , Kemeny ->
His first public appearance was before King Francis Joseph in Budapest at the age of 14 years.

Mihajlo Pupin, New York City ->
At the age of 15 years he emigrated to America, where he worked in a factory, attending evening school.

Marthe (Her Serene Highness) Princess Bibesco, Bucharest and Paris ->
Her first book was crowned by the French when she was 18 years old.

Ludwig Lille, Lwow ->
Up to his 18th year first in elementary school, then in college painting and taking drawing lessons. In war service on the Russian and Italian frontier and was a soldier up to 1921

Jaromir Weinberger, Modrany-Prague ->
In 1915 when he was only 19 years of age he published several works including: Overture to a comedy", a piano sonata and a pantomime stage work entitled: "Evelin's Elopement".

Franz Xaver Svoboda, Mnisek pod Brdy ->
When he was 22 years old he published his first poetries, which have found much interest among literary reviewers.

Tamara Jankowa, Sofia ->
When she was 24 years old, obtained by competition the position of Professor of the State Music Academy.

Renée Aberdam, Lwow ->
When she was 28 years old she was accepted at the School of Social Studies in Geneva without a secondary education.

Contantin Barascki, Cimpulung ->
From his childhood he recognized that sculpture would be his destination so that he followed this attachment without interruption.

Jean Djonovitch, Tirana ->
Very young, as student, was a partisan of the revolutionary movement against the regime of the late King Nicolas of Montenegro by whom he was condemned to death.

Viktor Eglitis, Riga ->
spent childhood in the country and was educated in Russia. He had been excluded from the Institute of Art together with 43 other pupils on account of his new ideas.

Stanislas Grabski, In district of Lowiez, Lwów ->
In his youth he was a socialist.

Rajmund Jarosz, Drhobycz ->
From his early youth interested in the political endeavors for Independence.

Konstantinas Lapinas, Kaunas ->
As a student belonged to the Social-Revolutionary Parties.

Stanislaw Kot, Cracow ->
In his youth active member of the organization of the Polish Studying Youth (Independent Group), under the Austrian regime in the former Galicia.

Frederic Storck, Bucharest ->
In his youth a trip to Munich decided his future. After completing his studies at the Academy of Munich he worked for three years there, where he had the best relations with all the famous artists.