Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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Jindrich Andrial, (age 31) ->
came to Prague in January.

Paul von Auer de Alsóterény, (age ?) ->
was a Front officer in the Hungarian Army.

Félix Avedik, (age 31) ->
took a successful part in organizing the Counter Revolution against the Bolsheviks.

Eftim Baba, (age 35) ->
declared the separation of the Orthodox Turks from the Greek Church.

Tadeusz Banachiewicz, (age 37) ->
founded a mountain astronomical station near to Cracow.

Jaroslav Bartoschek, (age 41) ->
was a collaborator of the Power Central of the Arsenal in Vienna.

Parvu Boerescu, (age 31) ->
voluntarily retired from the Rumanian military service.

Antoine, Jean Boguslawwski, (age 30) ->
was called to conduct transmissions over the radio for the military.

Joseph Bradac, (age 36) ->
founded the Salvation Army in Czechoslovakia.

Tiberius Brediceanu, (age 42) ->
became a Bank director.

Georges Cofinas, (age 50) ->
was a delegate to Istanboul.

Petar Dobrovic, (age 29) ->
was in Paris.

Joseph Dowbor-Musnicki, (age 52) ->
participated in the insurrection of Pozmania and became Chief Commander of the Poznanian organization.

Casimir Fabrycy, (age 31) ->
became chief Inspector of a Military School.

Tytus Filipowicz, (age 46) ->
became a member of the Polish Delegation to the Peace Conference in Paris.

Onisifor Ghibu Cluj, (age 36) ->
became deputy of the First Rumanian Parliament of Transylvania.

Démètre, Prince Ghica, (age 44) ->
became Minister of Rumania in Paris and delegate Plenipotentiary to the Conference of Peace which began in November.

Liudas Gira, (age 33) ->
was held by the Bolsheviks for 6 months as a political prisoner.

Wysocki, von Anton Godziemba, (age 47) ->
actively participated in the defense of the city of Cracow against the Ukrainian troups.

Julius Gömbös de Jákfa, (age 33) ->
became President of the Hungarian National Defense Association.

Felix Goller, (age 47) ->
was appointed Manager of Zemská Banka.

Géza Herczeg, (age 31) ->
joined the Press Department of the Royal Hungarian President of the Cabinet.

Thaddée Jackowski, (age 30) ->
became Chief of the German Section of the Foreign Office in Warsaw.

Juhan Jaik, (age 30) ->
fought as a volunteer in the war of independence.

Albert Kann, (age 44) ->
advocated the rights of the real estate owners against marxistic tendencies.

Arttur Kannisto, (age 45) ->
became Secretary of the Finnish Ugrian Society in Helsingfors.

Marya Kasierska, (age ?) ->
began earning her own living.

Franz Keresztes-Fischer, (age 38) ->
was a leader of the popular movement to liberate Pècs from the Yugoslavians .

Hanno Kompus, (age 29) ->
became an assistant to the city building architect of Tallinn.

August, Ritter von Kral, (age 50) ->
became Austrian Consul General in Hamburg.

Julius Kuhinka von Gajari, (age 25) ->
entered in the glass works of his father and remained there.

Alexandre Emmanuel Lahovary, (age 64) ->
assembled a legion of prisoners for repatriation in Rome after the war.

Agathon Lüdig, (age 22) ->
went to Tallinn and joined the Estonia-Theater.

John Count Mikes, (age 43) ->
was imprisoned by the Communistic Government in Hungary.

Miecislas Niedrialkowski, (age 26) ->
became a Deputy.

Antoine de Okolo-Koulak, (age 36) ->
became Chamberlain of the Pope.

Ladislas Paczoski, (age 32) ->
was in the Warsaw General Commissary for the East Polish Party.

Berta Pipina, (age 68) ->
joined the city council of Riga.

Wilhelm Pröhle, (age 48) ->
became Professor of East Asiatic languages and literature

Husrew Bey Ridvanbeyaglu, (age 31) ->
participated in the National Congress of Erzerum and Sivas.

Milos Ruppeldt, (age 38) ->
Slovakian Volunteer for the liberation of Slovakia, moved to Bratislava.

Paul Schiemann, (age 43) ->
became Chief Editor "Riga Rundschau".

Kazys Skirpa, (age 24) ->
became commander of 5th infantry regiment in March.

Josef Sneidarek, (age 44) ->
fought against the Poles.

Otto Strandman, (age 44) ->
became Prime Minister.

Georg B. Szveteney de Nagy-Ohay, (age 48) ->
became Chief of the group de liaison of the French General Graziani and the French Admiral Fatout in August.

Jean Tetmajer de Przerwa, (age 54) ->
published a weekly review "Rewia" in which ideas of a block of defensive states of Central Europe are expounded.

Spyros Travlos, (age 25) ->
became military attaché in Belgrade.