Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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Henryk Arctowski, (age 26) ->
went as a member of the scientific staff on the Belgian Antarctic Expedition.

Antony Benaki, (age 24) ->
served as a volunteer in the War of 1897.

Tytus Filipowicz, (age 24) ->
became Deputy Manager of a Polish coal mine.

Michael Gellér, (age ?) ->
went to the U.S.A.

Janie Kalatz, (age 29) ->
was a Justice of the Peace in West Siberia and on the island Sakhalin.

Vaclav Klofac, (age 29) ->
founded the National Socialist Party and became its leader.

Timos Moraitinis, (age 22) ->
took arms to defend his country against the Turks in the war of 1897.

Alexander Paldrook, (age 26) ->
was ordered as a physician against plague to the district of Trans-Caucasia.

Leonidas Paraskevopoulos, (age 36) ->
was in the Turkish War in Crete.

Zenon (penname: Miriam) Przesmycki, (age ?) ->
discovered the quite forgotten great Polish poet Cyprian Norwid and looked for his dispersed works.

Josef Sneidarek, (age 22) ->
fought in the Greek Turkish war.

Andrew (pen name: Galecki Taddeus) Strug, (age 20) ->
was, after one and a half year stay in Russian prison, exiled to Archangesk (age on the White Sea)

Franz Xaver Svoboda, (age 37) ->
was nominated ordinary member of Czechoslovakian Academy for Art and Science.