Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Diplomatic Careers

Stephan Count Bethlen von Bethlen, Budapest ->
Delegate of the Szeged Government to the Counterrevolution.

Karl Buchberger, Ankara
Imperial and Royal Delegate with the Albanian Frontier Commission; Minister Plenipotentiary in Ankara; Accredited at the Courts of the Irak and H. M. Chah Palewi of Persia.

Livius Faur, Timisoara ->
Delegate by the government of Marshal Averescu to take up the economical connections with Hungary,1922; Received and accompanied the American economical delegation, leader Louis E. Van Norman, for an extended study-trip,1924.

Tytus Filipowicz, Warsaw ->
Polish Political Agent 1917-1918; Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs 1918; Member Polish Delegation to Peace Conference, Paris 1919; Chief of Polish Mission to Southern Caucasus, 1920; Chief of Polish Mission to Moscow, 1921; Delegate to League of National Assembly, 1922; Minister to Helsinki 1922-1927; Minister to Brussels 1928-1929; Minister to Washington 1929; Ambassador to U.S.A. 1932.

Mehdi Frasheri, Tirana ->
Appointed attaché to the governor general of the Islands of the Archipelagos until 1901; Sub-Prefect of Peqini (Middle Albania) up to 1903; Sub-Prefect of Ochrida (Macedonia) until October 1906; Acted as Albanian delegate to the International Commission of Control until September 1914; ; Delegate of Albania to the Peace Conference until the end of 1918; Sent as an Albanian delegate to the Assembly of the League of Nations,1922; Albanian delegate to the Conference of Lausanne; Appointed as an Albanian delegate to the International Commission for the demarcation of the frontier between Albania and Greece, as well as between Albania and Yugoslavia, 1923; Sent as Albanian delegate to the extraordinary Assembly of the League of Nations for the admission of Germany, 1926; Appointed President of the Albanian delegation for the treaty of commerce and the consular convention concluded with Greece, June 1926; Sent as an Albanian delegate to the League of Nations, 1928- 1929,1930.

Onisifor Ghibu Cluj, ? ->
Delegate of Bessarabia at the National Association of Rumanians in the Ukraine.

Démètre, Prince Ghica, Bucharest ->
Consul General of Rumania in Salonica at the moment of the application of reforms in Macedonia; ; Minister of Rumania in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 1911 to July 1913 where his mission was terminated by the declaration of war to Bulgaria; Minister in Italy from December 1913 to October 1917 Minister of Rumania in Paris; Delegate Plenipotentiary to the Conference of Peace November 1919 to February 1922; April 1931 to June 1932; Minister of Rumania in Italy for the 3rd time July 1932 to June 1933.

Slavko Grujic, Belgrade ->
Delegate of the Serbian Government to Switzerland, France and Great Britain to arrange possibilities of corresponding between Serbian refugees and their country; Delegate of the Serbian Government to Albania, 1916.

Thaddée Jackowski, Brussels ->
Foreign Office Warsaw, Chief of the German Section 1919; Chargé d'affaires in Berlin 1923; Member of the Polish delegation of the Locarno Conference 1923; Director of the economic negotiation with Germany 1927: Protocol Stresemann-Jackowski; Polish Minister in Brussels and Luxemburg 1929.

Theodore König, Budapest ->
Represented the Customs Department of the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Finance in in the last negotiations with Austria for the conclusion of the Compromise; Acted as an expert for the League of Nations in preparing the International Conference for the Simplification of Customs; Represented the Hungarian Government at this Conference in 1923.

August Ritter von Kral, Vienna ->
Service of the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Office, November 1893; Consular Offices in Constantinople, Scutari (Albania), Beyruth; Austro-Hungarian Consul General in Scutari, Smyrna and Salonica; Austro-Hungarian Representative in the International Controlling Commission for Albania in Valona and Durazzo, 1914; Cahrgé d'Affaires with the Austro-Hungarian Legation in Durazzo, 1914; Chief of Department in the Foreign Office in Vienna, 1915; Delegate of the Foreign Office at the Headquarters of the Austro-Hungarian Army in Albania; Austrian Consul General in Hamburg in 1919-1920; Envoy extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Turkey; Accredited also to Persia, 1924-1932.

Kamil Krofta, Prague ->
Instrumental in reaching an accord with Germany in regard to the Czechoslovakian freeport at Hamburg.

Alexandre Emmanuel Lahovary, Bucharest ->
In Rome obtained the ratification of the treaty recognizing the annexation of Bessarabia with Rumania in 1927.

Jan M. Lasdin, Brussels ->
Chief of the Cabinet in Ministry for Foreign Affairs until July 1924. General secretary with the Latvian delegations in Geneva, Genoa, Warsaw, Helsinki, Kowno, Rome, Paris and London; Consul General of Latvia in Brussels, 1924; Accredited also with the Grandduke of Luxembourg with the residence in Brussels; Collaborator of the Belgo-Latvian Commercial Treaty signed July 7, 1925.

Joseph Lipski, Berlin ->
Participated to the Conference of Locarno 1915, Hague 1929 and 1930; Lausanne July 1932; Signed Polish German pact 26. January 1933.

Attoma Lorusso, Tirana ->
Director in Tirana of the Italo-Oriental Chamber of Commerce; Honorary Delegate for Albania of the Levant Fair, Bari.

Franz von Papen, Vienna ->
Negotiated Concordat with Vatican, July 1933.

Coriolan Petranu, Cluj ->
Delegate of the Rumanian government with the reparation commander in Budapest.

Livius Pop, Cluj ->
Delegate of Ghesla at National Assembly in Alba Julia where the Union of Siebenbürgen with Rumania was concluded, December 1, 1918.

Kaarel Robert Pusta, Tallinn ->
In Paris as delegate and since 1921 as Minister Plenipotentiary of the Estonian Republic in France; Accredited as Minister of Estonia with His Majesty the King of Belgium, 1922 and 1923; Nominated Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice President of Estonian Council in June 1924; Gave his resignation in October 1925; Reinstalled in his diplomatic posts in Paris and Brussels; Nominated Minister of Estonia with His Majesty the King of Spain in 1928; Minister of Estonia in Poland in Czechoslovakia and in Rumania, with Residence in Warsaw, October 1932; Delegate of Estonian delegation at the Peace Conference of San Remo in 1920, to the Conference of the Baltic States in Riga in 1920, and at the Conference in Barcelona, Spain, in 1921; Representative of Estonia for the minorities questions with the council of League of Nations; Delegate of Estonia to several other international, technical and diplomatic conferences; Negotiated and signed more than a dozen of conventions and Estonian treaties with foreign Powers, especially with France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, the Baltic States and Sweden and Norway.

Husrew Bey, Ridvanbeyaglu Istanboul and Teheran ->
Participated in the National Congress of Erzerum and Sivas, 1919; Elected deputy of Trebizond of the last Ottoman Cabinet; Sent by the grand National Assembly as delegate to the conference of London, under the Presidency of the late Bekir Sami Bey, 1921; Minister in Budapest,Hungary, 1924-1926; Minister in Sofia, 1927-1930.

Basil Stoica, Bucharest ->
At present Ministry of Rumania to Bulgaria; Led Rumania movement in U.S.A. operating intimately with Masaryk and Paderewski, 1917-1918; Member of Rumanian delegation at the League of Nations.

Alfred Vitols, Riga ->
Arbitrator in the quarrel between Poland and the Freestate of Danzig on account of the building of the harbour.

Titus Zbyszewski, Warsaw ->
Consul General of Poland in Leipzig (Germany); Consul General in Jerusalem (Palestine); Consul General of Poland in Chicago, United States since March 1, 1931.