Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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Friends and Acquaintances

Suleyman, Bey Asaf, Engineer ->
Friend of Djemal Pasha, Chief Engineer of the Fourth Army in Palestine

Stephan Count Bethlen von Bethlen, Royal Hungarian Minister, retired; Actual Privy Councillor ->
Acquired the friendship of Mussolini and Italy for Hungary

Marthe, (Her Serene Highness) Princess Bibesco, Writer ->
Personal friend of Air-Marshal Balbo and went to Tripolis on Seaplane as his guest.

Jakob Deml, Catholic Priest in a parish ->
More than 30 years a friend to the Czech poet Otokar Brezina

Friedrich Funder, Chief-Editor of the "Reichspost"; Councillor of State ->
In the confidence of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and of Dr. Karl Lueger, Mayor of Vienna; Personal friend of Monseigneur Seipel; Intimate advisor to Chancellor Dr. Dollfuss

Jenö Hubay de Szalatna, President of the Royal Franz Liszt High school for Music ->
Friendly connections with Franz Liszt

Nicolae Jonescu-Desandre, Assistant director of civil aviation ->
Friendly relation with the U.S.A. (founder of the Society "Friends of U.S.A.")

Karl Kautsky, Writer ->
Close friend of Engels.

Ludwig von Keblovsky, Doctor of Law; Royal Hungarian Ministry Councillor ->
Intimate collaborateur with Count Stephan Tisza

Aly bey Sirry-Omar, Envoy extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Egypt ->
S.E. Sirry Omar Bey is a great friend of Greece

Basil Stoica, Minister Plenipotentiary, Avrig, department ->
Operating intimately with Masaryk and Paderewski; member of Rumanian delegation at the League of Nations

Hélène Vacaresco, Rumanian Delegate to the League of Nations ->
Maid of honour and great friend of Queen Carmen Sylvia 7