Louise Dobrzynska-Rybicka, (age 48)
took an active part in the movement of independence which started in German Poland.
Slavko Grujic, (age 45)
returned from Italy to Albania as Delegate of the Serbian Government, and organized the evacuation of several thousands of Serbian refugees (women and children).
Dénes Györgyi, (age 50)
has been entrusted with the artistic decoration of the street where the coronation ceremonies of King Charles IV. took place.
Paul Jakubenas, (age 45)
was offered a position with the theological faculty in Tartu, which he did not accept.
Agathon Lüdig, (age 19)
was an actor in Moscow.
Marko Markovic, (age 20)
served in the Serbian army.
Miecislas Niedrialkowski, (age 23)
was in prison in Germany.
Leonidas Paraskevopoulos, (age 55)
was general of a division.
Petar Perunovic-Perun, (age 27)
organized a volunteer army out of the Yugoslavs living in U.S.A.
Kazimierz Teofil Purwin, (age 26)
was put in jail for 10 weeks in Prussia in Ostrov, Voivodship Poznan.
Kazys Skirpa, (age 21)
became Officer of the Russian Imperial army in March.
Spyros Travlos, (age 22)
became captain in the army.
Petar Zivkovic, (age 37)
became commander of the Royal Guards.