Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Otokar Cila, Academic painter ->
During the World War, in the intervals between fightings, he painted the churches in Russia and pictures of war scenery. In 1920, he was sent by the Czechoslovakian Government to China and India to study the monuments, arts and paintings. He stopped at Mukden, Tientsien, Peking, Shanghai, Calcutta, Benares, Agra, Dehli, Penang, Singapore; in Bombay worked on illustrator for the review, "Times of India". He returned with a large number of exotic sketches, studies and sceneries, which had been bought partly by the Czechoslovakian Government; another part is in private possession. While he was a Czechoslovakian Legionary in Russia he made drafts for the bills of the Russian Antibolshevic Government and for the postage stamps which had been in use by the Czechoslovak Legions (in Russia). In 1933, he painted the picture "Starodruzinici", the oath of the first Czechoslovakian Legionaries to the flag on September 28, 1914 at Kiew, Russia. He painted besides a large number of portraits: of General Cecek, Director General of the National Bank, the widow of the musician and composer Dvorak, etc. In 1926, he was sent by the Prague Academy of Arts to Scutari in Albania, where he performed 2 portraits of the King Achmed Zogu for the Albanian Parliament and the private dwellings of the King, in 1927 made the portrait of the Albanian National Hero Scauder Beg by order of the King. Besides, he did portraits of other Albanian officials, made drafts for the highest Albanian decorations and numerous studies of popular types for the decoration of the Albanian Parliament. During the World War he was made a prisoner in Russia, where he voluntarily enrolled in the newly created Serbian army. Later on he was in the Czechoslovakian Legion and he participated in the fighting all over Russia and Siberia.

Georges Cantacuzene, General ->
is a General in the reserve and interim commander of the political party "La Garde de Fer" (the Iron Guard). He is also the Director of hospitals in Bucharest and is the general director of a Cement factory in Braila.

Liudas Gira, Writer ->
is a writer, poet, playwright, critic, literary historian and is an active member in Lithuanian public life. He was Commissioner and Chief of the Vilna militia during the German occupation and was also organizer and director of the Lithuanian Theater at Vilna and the first director of the Lithuanian State Theater (1917 in Vilna and 1922-1926 in Kaunas). He was a member of the board of Vilna in 1918 and in 1919 was held by the Bolsheviks for 6 months as political prisoner. He was chief of the Intelligence Service department for the General Staff Governor of the district of Mariampol in 1920 and he became Chairman of the board of Lithuanian Radio Broadcasting in 1927. From 1927 on he has been manager of the Books Publishing Commission at the Ministry of Education. Name in full - Liudas Sirijos Gira. As a critic he is known under the pseudonym of E. Radzikauskas. His son - Vytautas Sirijos Gira - born in 1911- is a modern lyric poet, having published his works in magazines and in book form.

Andreas Hlinka, Priest, Parson; Deputy; Head of Slovakian Popular Party ->
is the head of Slovakian Popular Party and he translated the "Old Testament" from Latin into the Slovakian language at the State Prison at Szeged. He is also the President of a Storehouse at Ruzomberok, of a Brick-Factory, of a Saw-Mill, and of a Match-Factory.

Vlatislav Hofman, Architect ->
is an architect with the Construction Office of the city of Prague. Besides other plans he has carried out the Jirasek bridge over the Vltava at Prague. He has made paintings, especially landscapes and has painted sceneries for about 150 dramatical plays for the most important stages of Czechoslovakia and foreign countries.

Jerzy de Hulewicz, Author, painter, agriculturer ->
Since 1911 owner of the landestate Koscianki, where he has been cultivating the bringing up of purebred horses as well as painting and literature. In 1918-1920 he cooperated for the independence of Poland, now he is working in public life for the ideas of Marshal Pilsudski. In 1917-1922 he became an editor of a periodical for Literature and Fine Arts: "Zdroj" in Poznan.

Heinrich Janotta, Technician ->
is President of Troppau Sugar Refinery Stock Co. and of the Curatorium of Emperor Francis-Joseph Museum at Troppau.

Jiri Karásek ze Lvovic, Writer, Director of Gallery ->
is a clerk with the post-office and is the founder of the Post-Museum in Prague. He has worked as a poet since 1892 and is head of the symbolistic poetry-school and a reviewer. In 1925 he offered to the Czech Nation his private Picture Gallery which is known under the name of "Karásek-Gallery".

Jan M. Lasdin, Envoy extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Latvia in Belgium and Luxembourg ->
He was the first solo-violonist with the Imperial Court Orchestra in St. Petersburg, 1902-1917 and chief of the Cabinet in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs until July 1924 . Then he became General Secretary with the Latvian delegations in Geneva, Genoa, Warsaw, Helsinki, Kowno, Rome, Paris and London.

Stefanoff Nenoff, Teacher ->
In 1928 during the Earthquake in the south of Bulgaria he founded a committee for the rebuilding of destroyed houses. He founded a composer's union in 1933 of which he is the secretary. He gave recitals in Bulgaria and all over Europe: 14 compositions for piano, orchestra, songs, chamber music, altogether over 40 works performed in Bulgaria, partly also abroad (Berlin, Dresden, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, etc.). He erected more than 100 buildings, such as: Railway Stations, hospitals, store houses, private dwelling houses and is also a writer on musical subjects, a music critic for Bulgarian newspapers and a promoter of Bulgarian composers by arranging premiers of their works in Bulgaria and abroad.

Constantin Tanase, Artist ->
played during 3 years with a famous artist's group, organized a troupe for a comedy play, for operettas and operas. Since 1918, he is director of "Theatre Carabus" with a cast of 200 persons. He played in Turkey with this group and alone in Paris; and also played in the film "Le Rève de Tanase" and "Chaure de Tanase". He organized an ensemble to present Rumanian plays and songs and founded 3 schools for children and a church. He is President of the Society "Scena" (Rumanian Artists) and is a composer of music for reviews, songs and short stories.