Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

Home, Overview, The Passing Time, Years


Renée Aberdam, (age 30) ->
left Geneva.

Hans Anton Adler, (age 33) ->
became concerned with with the prevention of falsification of money and securities.

Jaroslav Bartoschek, (age 44) ->
became Director of the Tramway and local and electric railway in Bratislava.

Victor Benesch, (age 61) ->
became on May 1, the Director of forests and crown lands in Bistrice.

Maximilian Benies, (age 28) ->
became a Champion gentlemen rider in Czechoslovakia.

Georges Cofinas, (age 53) ->
became Minister of Finances after the defeat in Asia Minor and the great revolution in December.

Dimitric Cuclin, (age 37) ->
gave a religious choral concert in which 13 of the most prominent "stars" of the Rumanian Opera formed an exclusive choral ensemble "only to give themselves an opportunity of enjoying music at last".

Mary Duras, (age 24) ->
had an art exhibition in Dresden.

Raouf Fico, (age 41) ->
became Minister of Interior.

Tytus Filipowicz, (age 43) ->
became a delegate to League of Nations Assembly.

Mehdi Frasheri, (age 52) ->
was sent as an Albanian delegate to the Assembly of the League of Nations.

Jaroslav Henevkovsky, (age 38) ->
exhibited in London (at the Leicester Gallery).

Hugo Iltis, (age 40) ->
organized the Mendel Centenary.

Gustav Jungbauer, (age 26) ->
became a lecturer.

Janie Kalatz, (age 54) ->
became Senator of the Latvian Senate.

Ants Lauter, (age ?) ->
made his first trip to foreign countries to Berlin, Vienna and Venice.

Guido Matschenz, (age 46) ->
became State Commissioner of the Agricultural Women's Schools in Prussia.

Robert Maurer, (age 29) ->
restored the picture gallery in Sibiu, Transsylvania.

Spyros Melas, (age 39) ->
was imprisoned.

Bogdan Milankovich, (age 37) ->
became Director of the Musical School in Sarajevo.

Constantin Moschopoulos, (age 68) ->
became Minister and General Governor of Salonica.

Anna Papadopoulo, (age ?) ->
started with the work called now "Coin du Travail" at the arrival of the refugees.

Alexandre Papanastarin, (age 46) ->
claimed in a manifest the abdication of the King and declared in the contrary case the population would be forced to proclaim the republic.

Kazimierz Petrusewicz, (age 50) ->
became a lawyer.

Kaarel Robert Pusta, (age 39) ->
was accredited as Minister of Estonia with His Majesty the King of Belgium.

Jan Raszka, (age ?) ->
became director of the independent School of Art in Cracow.

Georges Rhallys, (age 42) ->
was elected to the Senate in Athens.

Jean Rhallys, (age 44) ->
was imprisoned with the members of the Ministry of Gounari by the revolutionaries.

Nedlka Simeonova, (age ?) ->
went on a tournée through America.

Ludomir Slendzinski, (age 33) ->
made paintings on the ceiling of the Ministry Council Palace in Warsaw.

Artur Sliwinski, (age ?) ->
was entrusted by Marshal Pilsudski to form a cabinet, but as this cabinet did not obtain the majority of the Parliament he retired from political life.

Ludwig Sosnowski-Solski, (age 37) ->
became a member and Director of the National Theater in Warsaw.

Hermann Suida, (age 35) ->
became an advisor of the Bosnian Wood Distribution Industry.

Spyros Travlos, (age 28) ->
was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

Alma Woodruff, (age 40) ->
after her husband's death in this year she started the American Grade School of Sofia.