Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Wilhelm Klumberg, Riga ->
He is the founder of the Herder Society and the Herder Institute. Upon decision of the Latvian Parliament, the Herder Institute is to be considered since 1927 as a private German University and he was nominated by the Cabinet as rector.

Stanislaw Kot, Cracow ->
In September 1933 he was discharged by the government from the chair of University of Cracow in connection with the resistance of professors against the suppression of autonomy at the University. He has written 54 historical books and dissertations. The most important ones are relative to the History of education in Europe.

Stephan Kyroff, Sofia and Kniajevo ->
assisted in the struggle for the autonomy of the University, especially during the crisis in 1907 (at the time of his first Rectorship). At this time (1908) the University was illegally closed and reopened in 1908.

Franz Langenberg, Prague ->
On March 3, 1920, he was nominated first State School Inspector for the Czech Minorities Schools in the counties of: Decim, Dub, Litomerice, Rumburk, Sluknow, Topolice and Warnsdorf with headquarters at Litomerice. He was Director of the Secondary School at Podmokly (Bodenbach a/Elbe) and he came again to Vienna and founded there the 2nd Czech Secondary School of the "Komensky" Association.

Guido Matschenz, Ankara ->
was the State Commissioner of the Agricultural Women's Schools in Prussia (1922-1928) and is the Director of the Pedagogic Seminary for Agricultural Teachers at the High School for Agriculture in Ankara.

Assimbeg Mutevelic, Sarajevo ->
is the Muteveli (hereditary administrator) of the greatest religious cultural Institution "Gazi Husrev Bey Vakuf" in Sarajevo. He worked for 16 years as a teacher; and for some time he taught in the Islamic Teacher's Training School in Sarajevo.

Xheladin Nushi, Tirana ->
has founded and established a commercial school in Korca and reformed, according to the German system, the commercial school of Valona.

Antonin Ruzicka, Prague I ->
introduced in about 1.500 classes of the National Schools in Czechoslovakia a new system of drawing, based on special perspective constructions. In this system, 11 year old children are taught correct perspective drawings.

Hans Schmid, Graz ->
organized the return of the German teachers out of the ceded former Austrian districts. he is the founder and editor-in-chief of the "Mitteilungen des Katholischen Landeslehrerverbandes".

Cecilie Walewska, Warsaw ->
She was devoted to the education of young Polish girls during the Russian occupation, and due to it, she was imprisoned and exiled to Ischewsk (Central Russia). After her deliverance she devoted all her activity to social works; founded school for workers, and a Society for professional education for young women and various educative courses.