Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Helger Andersen, (age 40) ->
became the president of the Committee for the exchange of the Greek and Turkish Populations.

Nush Bushati, (age 34) ->
returned to his country where he was appointed General Secretary of the Albanian organization for the Youth.

George Chelmis, (age 39) ->
was acting with a group of Athenian Players.

Antoni Dobrowaolski, (age 58) ->
retired on account of bad health.

Mehdi Frasheri, (age 58) ->
became Minister of the Albanian National Economy.

Walery Goetel, (age 41) ->
traveled to Yugoslavia.

Leopold Gottlieb, (age 51) ->
had an exhibition in Paris.

Juhan Jaik, (age 41) ->
was elected as full power mandatory of the city of Tallinn.

Gustav Jungbauer, (age 34) ->
became a Professor for German Folklore at the German University at Prague.

Stephan Kyroff, (age 69) ->
was the Chief of the Bulgarian delegation to the Balkan Conference in Athens.

Juozas Maciunas, (age 56) ->
became the Director of the Health Board of the Ministry of Interior.

Georges Nedici, (age 53) ->
organized the Rumanian section of the International exhibition of game in Leipzig and obtained at the exhibition the international certification for Rumania.

Petar Pallavicini, (age 42) ->
had an exhibition in England.

Alexandre Papanastarin, (age 54) ->
organized the first Balkan Conference in Athens.

Catherine Reiner, (age 24) ->
introduced Alban Berg's "Wozzeck" in concert form with the Philadelphia Orchestra under the direction of Leopold Stokowski.

Zygmunt Saryusz-Bielski, (age 61) ->
visited for a French Company the oil fields of Albania.

Mihal Sherko, (age 43) ->
organized the Albanian Women Society.

Nedlka Simeonova, (age ?) ->
played in Sofia at the Cooperative Theatre.

Stefan Starzynski, (age 37) ->
became a Member of Parliament (Sejm) in Poland.

Hermann Suida, (age 43) ->
made a trip to the U.S.A.

Franziskus Methodius Zampach, (age 44) ->
became a member of the Municipality of Brno.