Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Muharem Bajraktari, (age 35) ->
became aide-de-camp of His Majesty King Zogu I of Albania.

Stephan Count Bethlen von Bethlen, (age 57) ->
retired from politics.

Oldrich Blazicek, (age 44) ->
dad a collective exhibition in Brno.

Nicolas Costeano, (age ?) ->
became mayor of the city of Cernauti.

Theodor Fischer, (age 50) ->
founded the Jewish State Party for Rumania.

Mehdi Frasheri, (age 59) ->
became again President of the Council of State, a which position he still occupies.

Démètre, Prince Ghica, (age 56) ->
was a delegate Plenipotentiary to the Conference of Peace from April.

Walery Goetel, (age 42) ->
traveled to Lofoten in the North of Norway.

Oldrich Hilmera, (age 40) ->
made a Concert-trip with the Prague Men's Choir "Krizkovsky" to Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece and Yugoslavia.

Tamara Jankowa, (age 24) ->
obtained by competition the position as Professor of State Music Academy in Sofia.

Alexandre Kissioff, (age 52) ->
is participating in the Cabinet of Liaptcheff, Malinoff and Mochanoff from January up to now.

Walter Kraemer, (age 40) ->
became the sole owner of firm which was established by his father 48 years ago.

Ants Lauter, (age ?) ->
came as a guest to Finland.

Ludwig Lille, (age 34) ->
painted, "Rocks and Jars".

Stanislas Mackiewicz, (age 35) ->
made a long travel in Soviet Russia.

Julius Mägiste, (age 31) ->
made a long study trip to Budapest, Hungary in the summer.

Alexandre Malinoff, (age 64) ->
formed the 3rd Bulgarian Cabinet.

Berta Pipina, (age 48) ->
was elected into the Parliament as the only woman

Jan Raszka, (age ?) ->
retired from official service to devote himself completely to the artistic work.

Alexander Stalysky, (age 38) ->
became the head of the Bulgarian Fascist Party.

Steffi Ventura, (age ?) ->
had exhibitions in Paris (Grand Salon) and in Vienna (age Secession)

Jaromir Weinberger, (age 35) ->
the first performance of his composition, "Passacaglia" for full orchestra was performed in New York under Erich Kleiber.

Dragolioub Yerenitch, (age 57) ->
became the Grand Chancellor of the Royal Yugoslavian Orders.

Titus Zbyszewski, (age 45) ->
became the Consul General of Poland in Chicago, United States on March 1st.