Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

Home, Overview, The Written Word


Philipp Franz Bresnitz von Sydakoff, Vienna ->
He was a correspondent for several dailies in Russia and in the Balkans. He was accused of High Treason by Sultan Abdul Hamid; he then escaped to Semlin in 1903 and founded the German "Semliner Tageblatt".

Nicholas Efstratiou, Athens ->
He was cited more than 40 times by the Civil Tribunal for his political articles during 1928-1932. On account of his political articles against the former Minister Zannas, the latter forced a law suit against him. The decision of the Tribunal, in 1932, was in favor of him and Mr. Venizelos asked for and obtained the dismissal of Mr. Zannas.

Friedrich Funder, Vienna ->
He joined "Reichspost" in 1896 as a reporter for the parliament. In 1903 he became Chief-editor of the leading Catholic newspaper "Die Reichspost" and he was in the confidence of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and of Dr. Karl Lueger, Mayor of Vienna.

Gordon Gordon-Smith, Washington D.C. ->
He is a war correspondent of "New York Tribune" and "Manchester Guardian". He was first on the French and Italian fronts and was then with the Serbian army in 1915; made the retreat through Albania and was on the Salonica front for 7 months. He was naturalized a Yugoslavian in 1932. Since the foundation of Yugoslavia in 1917 he has written hundreds of articles on Yugoslavian affairs for American reviews and the daily press, several scores of lectures at Universities, Chairman of Commerce, the Rotary, Army and Navy Club, and also a series of lectures (15) by radio on the creation of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Rumania and the Little Entente. Before the war he was Berlin correspondent of the London "Times" and Berlin and Paris correspondent of the Reuters Telegraphic Agency. For 17 years he was an editor and foreign correspondent in every European country of the "New York Herald" (Paris edition).

John Gunther, Vienna ->
He has been the "Chicago Daily News" correspondent in Geneva, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome and Moscow and is now resident in Vienna as head of the "Chicago Daily News" bureau for Central Europe and the Balkans. Among the stories which he covered: Syrian War, 1926; Palestine riots, 1929; Evacuation Rhineland, 1930; Return King Carol to Rumania,1930; Credit Anstalt Crash and Austro-German customs Union struggle; 1931; Sino-Japanese Negotiations, Geneva 1932; Spanish Revolution, 1932; Germany's Departure from League of Nations, 1933

Roman Jaworski, Warsaw ->
Before the war he was editor in Chief of a political newspaper in Lwów; after the war he became a special envoy as political journalist in Berlin and Prague.

Jaroslav Kubista, Aussig ->
He is a reporter for Lunatic Asylums, 1926 to 1928, and since 1929 he is a financial reporter.

Attoma Lorusso, Tirana ->
He is a correspondent for the Balkans for different News Agencies and newspapers, Italian and foreign. He is the director in Tirana of the Italo-Oriental Chamber of Commerce; an Honorary Delegate for Albania of the Levant Fair, Bari; a Secretary of the Committee for Albania of the Dante Alighieri Society; and a member of the Executive Committee of the "Fascio" of Tirana.

Costas Politis, Athens ->
He was condemned to death by the Turks on account of his Anti-Turkish correspondence in the newspaper "Elefteros Typos" in Athens. By mediation of the Greek Government he returned to Greece in 1925.

Ferdinand Prazsky-Slavkovsky, Prague-Podoli ->
Participated in the World War as an officer of the Russian Czar and of the Czechoslovakian army. He is a journalist for the Czech and Russian Press.

Vladislav Savic, Belgrade ->
In 1904 he went to Russia and became a journalist. From 1906-1908 he was a Russian journalist in London (for a Moscow paper "Ruskojo slovo"); In 1910 he organized the newspaper "Novo vreme" Balkan War. During both wars he was in military service and at the same time was the Balkan corresponding of "Ruskojo Slovo" and the "Daily Telegraf" (from London). After the retreat of the Serbian army through Albania he was sent to London by the Serbian Government and he remained there for one year. When America entered the war he was sent to America where he published a book.

Vladimir Sis, Prague ->
has been a war correspondent of "Národni Listy" during the Albanian Insurrection of 1910 to 1911, the Italian-Turkish War of 1911-1912, and the Balkan War of 1912-1913. He was a representative of the Prague revolutionary Mafia at Sofia, where he got first in connection with the Powers of the Entente.

Jeanne Stephanopoli, Athens ->
She was the first woman student at a Greek University and is director and political editor of the "Messager d'Athènes" which was founded by her father in 1875. She is the Director since 1913.

Eugène Titeanu, Bucharest ->
is an independent journalist and nationalist with tendencies to the right.