Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Revolt in the Ottoman Empire

Ahmed Mouhtar bey, Turkey ->
joined state service as a member of the bureau of "Imperial Chancellery"; where he stayed for six years. He resigned one year after the revolution 1908 to fight against the politic of the committee "Union et Progrès" which he considered a misfortune for his country. Especially persecuted were the non-Turkish inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire such as Albanians, Arabs, Kurds, Greeks and Armenians and others. The Committee Union tried to kill him, so he left Constantinople in 1910. One year later this Committee condemned him to death while he was in France. He struggled against the unionist party in France, England and Switzerland by publishing articles in the European Newspapers and in publishing such booklets in French and Turkish. In 1912 the Government Unionist was overthrown and his party returned and took over authority with Kamil Pacha and his father was nominated for the second time Sheil-ul-Islam. He returned to Constantinople and Kamil Pasha in forming his Cabinet, offered him the Ministry of Public Works, but as his occidental propositions have been not accepted as being too audacious, he did not accept this offer. Three months later he had to leave Constantinople on a foreign boat on account of the coup d'état which had overthrown the liberal Cabinet and the assassination of the Nazim Pacha. The committee Union came to the Power again, has again condemned him to death. He had to stay in Europe for 7 years; he continually fought against the narrow minded politicians of this committee. He made energetic efforts with the Sultan Mehmed I. to prevent that this committee forces his country into the World War with Germany and against the Allies.

Memhmet Ali Tefvik, Turkey ->
joined in 1911 the small group of men who tried and succeeded to give the Turkish nation a new ideal. His writings during and after the Balkan War aroused wide-spread interest and he was able to strengthen the Turkish nation´s faith in her own destiny.