Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


Home, Overview, Beginnings, Ancestors



Maria Lhotova, Prague ->
Both her parents played a prominent part in awaking National feelings in Moravia, especially in Brünn (Brno) before the war.

Karl Kautsky, Vienna ->
His mother, first actress, wrote novels which were highly esteemed among German socialists.

Edmond Konrad, Prague
His mother, a well known piano-virtuose, pupil of Anton Rubinstein, was a friend of Johannes Brahms and of Antonin Dvorak (composer of the "New World" Symphony known in America).

Angela Lalaouni, Athens ->
Her mother is Alexandra Lalaouni, a well known concert singer.

Beata Obertynska-Wolska, Lwów ->
Her mother died in 1930 and was a lyrical poet who was very much appreciated.

Anna Papadopoulo, Rovies Euboae ->
Her mother is a sister of Paul Melas.

Zygmunt Saryusz-Bielski, Cracow ->
His mother was owner of the largest boarding school for young girls in the former Galicia and was very well known as manager of this school.

Alfreds Bilmanis, Riga ->
His father, Kristaps Bilmanis spent his last years in the U.S.A. and died as American citizen in 1915.

Joseph Birkenmajer, Warsaw ->
His father, Louis, a Professor at the University of Cracow, is the author of many scientific works, especially a great monograph about Copernicus, and is a member of the International Astronomical League Oxford, etc.

Kyrill Christoff, Prague-Dejvice ->
His father has fallen in the war for the liberty of Bulgaria, 1877

Hélène d'Abancourt de Franqueville, Cracow ->
Her father Francois Xavier, participated in the insurrection against Russia and was several times wounded.

Milan Glavinic, Belgrade ->
His father Kosta, was a pioneer for the communal politic, for the cooperative life and for the amelioration of village life.

Benedykt Hertz, Warsaw ->
His father was one of the first to be deported to Siberia during the revolution of 1861-1863.

Demetre Kambouroglous, Athens ->
His father Gregoire was the founder of the Periodical Press in Greece and he has used up nearly all his funds for the foundation of the first buildings in Athens.

Milan Karanovic, Sarajevo ->
His father was »Chief of Hundred« in the Bosnian Insurrection against the Turks 1875-1878 and was the secretary to the Chief since he was the only educated man.

Karl Kautsky, Vienna ->
His father was a prominent scenery painter for the imperial theaters in Vienna.

Adam Kasimierz Majewski, Lublin ->
His father Adam, member of the National Government in 1863, was exiled to Siberia.

Beata Obertynska-Wolska, Lwów ->
Her father, who died in 1922, was inventor of a hydraulic system for petrol mines which is a well known invention in Europe and America. He is occupied also with mathematics and abstract philosophy and is the author of many pamphlets which are much estimated.

Leonidas Paraskevopoulos, Lwów ->
His father Jean, soldier in the army of General Colicotroni, 1821-1827, later spent large amounts to build schools in Smyrna and Kitnos and for the largest orphan asylum in Asia Minor.

Leo Wenzel Pollak, Prague
His father obtained the first German letter patent for an apparatus counting telephone calls for Telephone-Central.

Jean Rhallys, Psychiko near Athens ->
His father Démètre, deputy of Athens during 45 years (without interruption) was 5 times Premier Minister and was chief of the Deliyannist Party. After the assassination of Theodore Deliyannis, he became Premier Minister in 1920 at the restoration of the King Constantin. When he died in 1921 he was 76 years old.

Husrew Bey Ridvanbeyaglu, Teheran ->
His father distinguished himself fighting in the War against Montenegro and Russia and was wounded in the famous attack of Chipka.

Carl Springer, Prague ->
His father was the inventor of a Gas-Puddler-Stove, which was also used in England and America.

Paraskew Stoianoff, Sofia ->
His father put money at the disposal of the revolutionary insurgents for the liberty movement in 1876.

Frederic Storck, Bucharest ->
His father was Professor of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bucharest from 1864-1887. The first marble monuments which are embellishing the public places in Bucharest are works of his father, such as the statue of the Prince M. Cantacuzeno, Princess Balasa, Princess Marie of Rumania and Madame Davila.

Cecilie Walewska, Warsaw ->
Her father, one of his brothers and the brothers of her mother were all engaged in the insurrection of 1863, were deported to Siberia by the Russian Regime and then returned after many years.