Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Cousins, Brothers and Sisters

Parvu Boerescu, Bucharest ->
Mr. Alexander Loveday, his cousin, is secretary to the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

Assimbeg Mutevelic, Sarajevo ->
The cousin of his wife was the famous poet, writer and historian Dr. Fafed Bey Basagic.

Leopold Gottlieb, Paris ->
His elder brother Moritz Gottlieb, is a famous painter.

Milos Ruppeldt, Bratislava ->
His brother Fedor, a Protestant parson and a member of Czechoslovakian Parliament is politically connected with the English politician Seton Watson-Scotus Viator, and was a delegate to the Protestant Slovakian Church at Slovensiko.

Beata Obertynska-Wolska, Lwów ->
Her sister is a painter; The Studio (1926) reproduced her illustration of the book of her husband (Michel Pawlokowski de Medyka »Jagnieszka«).