Kasierska, Paris
Her great uncle, Pater Francois Kasterski, Provincial of the Piarists
Religious Order for the Instruction in Poland, was a well-known
mathematician in the XIX. century.
Procházka, Prague-Karlin
His great-uncle maternal, Dr. Beda Dudik, was a member of the
Benedictine Order in Rajhrad (Moravia) and was historian of the land
of Moravia. He was a lecturer for the study of Central European
sources at Vienna University, wrote 12 volumes and distinguished
himself in restoring the Czech handwritten works taken away during
the thirty-years war.
Václav Adámek, Hlinsko
My uncle Francis Adámek is director of
the music
department at Wesleyan University in the U.S.A.
Burian, Prague ->
His uncle, Karl Burian, also sang at the Metropolitan Operahouse in
New York.One uncle was colonel and then general of the Polish army
during the revolution in 1830-1831.
Györgyi, Budapest
The uncles Géza Györgyi and Koloman Giergl, were famous
Hodza, Prague-Smichov
His uncle Michael Miloslav Hodza, was a man of science and a leader
of revolution against the Magyar feudal regime in 1848.
Lapinas, Kaunas
His uncle Balthomeus Jurgelewitsch was the first inventor of the
»Besperator«, a trade mark for which he received the
honorable Leg. Diploma for the first Paris Exhibition and the great
Medal of Leopold II. at the Belgium Exhibition.
Ruppeldt, Bratislava
His uncle, Gustav Augustiny, worked for a union between the Slovaks,
Rumanians and Serbians in Hungary.
Slonczynska (De Vertno), Prague-Smichov
One of her uncles, Ignace Salky-Regulski, famous expert for
paintings, was sent by order of King Stanislas Poniatowski to London
to buy pictures for the Royal Gallery.
Tuwim, Warsaw
His uncle is Dr. Boleslaw Lapowski in New York.
Wolfsohn, Vienna
His uncle is David Wolfsohn, leader of Zionists and successor to
Theodor Herzl.
Yakshich (Jaksic), Sarajevo
His uncle was Bosnian member of Turkish Parliament in Constantinople