Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Socialism and Communism

Emanuel Chobot, Director of the Cooperative Society "Gec", Moravska Ostrava ->
was a miner in Lazy and Orlau from 1895 to 1905 and became Secretary of the Socialist Party and functionary of the Trades Union in Trinec, 1907-1912. He with the "Gec" in Moravska Ostrava and is Manager and Chairman of the Polish Co-operative Society in East Silesia.

Krsto Cicvaric, Author and publicist, Belgrade ->
is the editor of many socialist and revolutionary weekly newspapers such as "Hleb i. Sloboda" (Bread and liberty), 1905; "Radnicka borka" (The worker's struggle), 1907. In 1907 he became a political prisoner and in 1911 he became owner and director of daily newspaper "Straza" (Guardian). He has the largest private library in Belgrad. As a philosopher he believes in monism, as a politician in democracy and liberalism, and is otherwise a proponent of world organization.

Platon Soterios Drakoules, Writer, Sociologist, founder of the Socialist Labour movement, Oxford, N.W. and Athens ->
founded in 1885 in Athens "Arden", the first journal in Greece to initiate ideals of social reform and he represented Greece at the first International Socialist Congress at Paris in 1889. He is the earliest advocate in Greece of Woman's freedom and of food reform and he influenced public opinion towards factory legislation and succeeded in having a law against cruelty to be passed.

Stanislas Grabski, Professor of Political Economy University, Lwów ->
In his youth he was a socialist. He emigrated from Russian Poland in 1890; was banished from Austria in 1891. Through instances of the University of Cracow he obtained the permission to live in Austria in 1901.

Jon Inculetz, Professor, Minister of Interior, Bucharest ->
participated in the Russian revolution in 1917; and is a member of the Soviet of Petrograd as a delegate of the Union Government in Bessarabia. He is President of the Republic Moravia (Bessarabia).

Stanislaw Jurkiewicz, Notary; delegate notary of the Polish Government to the Administration Council of the International Bureau of Work, Warsaw ->
worked in Moscow in the Polish socialist organization.

Karl Kautsky, Writer, Vienna ->
was a close friend of Engels and became a Member of the Austrian Social Democratic Party in 1875 and a member of the German Social Democratic Party in 1880. Afterwards he was in Berlin until 1924. He adhered in the split of the Party in 1917 to the Independent Socialists. In the revolution of 1917 he coordinated as Secretary of State. Since 1924 he is in Vienna.

Vaclav Klofac, Journalist, Prague ->
is the founder of the National Socialist Party and its leader since 1897. He was a member of Austrian Parliament from 1901 to 1918 and he was accused of high treason and imprisoned for 3 years during the war.

Panto Krekic, Vice Director of the Office of Labourers Insurance, Sarajevo ->
is one of the founders of the socialist party in Bosnia and Herzogwina and is a champion of the movement of Bosnian labour.

J.W. Latziky-Bertoldi, Chief-Editor of the Newspaper "Frimorgn", Riga ->
was a founder of the Zionistic Socialistic Party in Russia in 1904.

Miecislas Niedrialkowski, Deputy, journalist, editor in chief of "Robotnich", Warsaw ->
was involved in illegal political action in Poland with the Socialist Party, was imprisoned in Germany in 1916, is a deputy since 1919 and is President of the Parliamentary socialistic group.

Josef Páta, Professor, Prague ->
During the World War he was a member of the Revolutionary Committee "Národ" (People) and of the Sokol Organization.

Janko Sakasoff, Journalist; Deputy of Sobranjé, Sofia ->
Since 1884 up to 1890 he was a teacher and a clerk. In 1891 he founded the Socialistic Monthly Revue "Den" (The Da); in 1891-1894 he founded the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party after a German model and program. In 1894 he was elected a deputy of Parliament; he edited a socialistic newspaper and was very active for the benefit of socialist and Trades-Union Organizations over the whole country. He participated in all political manifestations of the country, promoted the democracy movement and the laws constitution; and propagated socialistic activity among the peasants. In 1912 in the Balkan War he spoke in the Sobranje against the war and in 1918 after the dethronement of King Ferdinand became Minister of Industry and Commerce. Since then he is Chief of the Socialist Party in the Sobranje and is now President of the National Bulgarian Group for the Balkan Conferences and he promotes the rapproachment of the Balkan people.

Streten Yakshich (Jaksic), Publicist, Chief of the Bureau for Labourer's Insurance, Sarajevo ->
is editor of the Socialist publication "Glas Slobodne", and is a member of the Bureau of the Socialist Party and of various other Labourer's Institutions.