Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Antoni Dobrowaolski,, (age 19) ->
because of political action against the Russian occupation became a political prisoner.

Rudolph Friml, (age 10) ->
went to America with Kubelik.

Stanislas Grabski, (age 20) ->
was banished from Austria.

Hélène Romer-Ochenkowzka, (age 16) ->
began as a lecturer in secret schools.

Mieczyslas de Rutkowski, (age 38) ->
was sent by the Russian Government to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentine, Chile, Peru and Bolivia, to study by what means could be extended the commercial relations between those countries and Russia.

Janko Sakasoff, (age 31) ->
founded the Socialistic Monthly Revue "Den"