Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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The Russian Revolution

Maks Hurt, Estonia ->
After having completed University studies employed with Russian-American Rubber Manufacturer in St. Petersburg, and became manager of a branch-office and proxy. After the revolution he left service with this factory and returned to his country.

Jon Inculetz, Rumania ->
participated in the Russian revolution in 1917 and is a member of Soviet of Petrograd as delegate of the Union Government in Bessarabia.

Hermann Keyserling, Germany ->
inherited the estates of Koenno. Kerkau and Raykull in Russia in 1908. He lived there until 1918 when he was dispossessed by Russian Revolution.

Sophie de (pen name Sophie Kossak Szczucka) Szatkowska, Poland ->
She was a witness of the Russian Bolshevik revolution. Her memoirs relative to this subject (a well known book) was translated into English and Japan and Hungarian;.

Louis Zeyfert, Poland ->
served in the Russian Navy until the revolution, then joined the Polish army in France in November 1917.