Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


Home, Overview, War


Before the World War...

Otakar Bas, Czechoslovakia ->
was a defender in the most prominent Anti-Austrian political lawsuits.

Milan Hodza, Czechoslovakia ->
was a member of Hungarian Parliament as a representative of Slovakia, which belonged until the end of the war to Hungary.

Alfred Johann Theophil Jansa von Tannenau, Germany ->
was a Captain in the General Staff with the Army Inspector in Sarajewo.

Roman Jaworski, Poland ->
was an editor in Chief of a political newspaper in Lwów.

Stanislav Klima, Czechoslovakia ->
Before the World War she was a teacher and writer at Prague.

Felix Niekrasz (Nekrach), Poland ->
Before the war she worked with an architectural office in Wilno and Warsaw.

Marie Hédvige Reutt, Poland ->
She organized in the province of Lublin popular schools.

Stefan Zsakó, Hungary
went on many study-trips to North-Central and South Europe.