Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933


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Renée Erdös, (age 20) ->
published her first poems.

Paul Jakubenas, (age 28) ->
preached in the reformed community at Birzai and as a teacher of religion there of the Lithuanian and German language.

Rajmund Jarosz, (age 24) ->
was employed with the Mutual Insurance Company

Kamil Krofta, (age 23) ->
did important research work for the Executive Committee of Lands of the Bohemian Kingdom in the archives of the Vatican in regard to sources of the Bohemian history of the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries.

Arnold Makowski-Sarjusz, (age 23) ->
was imprisoned.

Alexander Paldrook, (age 28) ->
graduated as a Doctor of Medicine.

Mihajlo Pupin, (age 41) ->
obtained letter-patents for his most important inventions, the so-called Pupin bobbins.

Henri Sebillon, (age 27) ->
became an Electrician.

Frederic Storck, (age 27) ->
returned to Bucharest and made a bust of Prince Charles.