Who is Who in Central & East Europe 1933

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Stefan Braileanu , Cernauti, Rumania ->
He is Government councillor with the province government of Bukowina.

Demeter Doroschenko , Prague-Bubenec, Czechoslovakia ->
In 1917 he became General Governor of Galicia and Bukowina and in 1918 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian Government.

Mayer Ebner , Cernauti, Rumania ->
He is President of the Bukowina Zionist Provincial Government.

Neagoe Flondor , Storojinet, Rumania ->
He is a member of the political party "La Garde de Fer" (Iron Guard). His father Jancu Flondor, was President of National Party of Bukowina and presided at the Union of Bukowina with Rumania in 1918.